Mission & Creed

Our Mission

The purpose of the Association shall be to promote the effective and efficient functioning of appraisal districts and aid in the improvement of the administration thereof in the State of Texas.

Our Creed

As a member of TAAD, I will:

  • Recognize and adhere to all applicable laws and rules regarding my professional duties and responsibilities;
  • Realize the importance of ethical professional conduct in public service;
  • Not use the appraisal district’s resources to pursue private interests or earn personal benefit while employed by the appraisal district;
  • Do all in my power to ensure the appraisal district’s business is conducted ethically, openly, efficiently and responsively to the public will;
  • Respect and honor both the principles and the spirit of representative government by setting positive examples;
  • Promote public confidence in the property tax system by being not only qualified and properly trained for my position, but also by conducting myself in all situations with honesty, fairness, consideration and respectfulness.