Classified Ad Agreement Form

Fill out our Classified Ad Agreement using the form below. Please allow up to three business days for your ad to be posted.  Once it is posted, TAAD will send you an invoice.

  • Please do not abbreviate; please spell out CAD/Organization name.
  • The invoice will be emailed to the contact person.
  • Accepted file types: doc, docx, Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • Classified Advertisement -- Guidelines and Rates


    • Post a job opening, position wanted, or merchandise for sale.
    • Advertisements will run for 30 days, with a date of posting listed in advertisement.
    • Fee for 75 words or less is $50 per month for TAAD member districts; $75 per month for all others.
    • 50 cents per word for each word in excess of 75 words.
    • Your advertisement will be posted to TAAD’s website within three working days.