
The Texas Association of Appraisal Districts, Inc. is a statewide, voluntary non-profit organization incorporated and organized to promote the effective and efficient functioning and administration of appraisal districts in Texas.


More than 95 percent of the state’s 254 appraisal districts belong to TAAD, as well as numerous tax officials from school districts, cities, counties, state agencies and other entities, as well as taxpayers and members of the business community. Combined, these districts represent more than 1,300 locally elected directors, nearly 1,200 appraisal review board members and several thousand appraisers, district personnel, and other members of the property tax field.

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TAAD’s members govern the association through a yearly Delegate Assembly, which serves as the vehicle for adopting bylaws, policies, beliefs and resolutions. Twenty trustees, one for each of TAAD’s regions, represent the member districts before the Executive Committee. This committee is made up of a president, president-elect, vice president, secretary-treasurer and past president.

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Programs & Services

Through its seminars, conferences, and courses TAAD seeks to provide its members with a wide variety of educational opportunities. The association has an annual conference each winter and a legislative update seminar in the summer following a legislative session.


By offering courses required by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation for state certification, TAAD provides its members with necessary opportunities for education. In addition, TAAD annually sponsors appraisal courses from the International Association of Assessing Officers for the benefit of its members, as well as other courses for continuing professional development.

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Additionally, four times a year TAAD publishes The APPRISER, a news and reference bulletin. During legislative sessions, TAAD uses email options to inform members of proposed and pending legislation, House and Senate Committee activities, as well as other happenings the Capital.

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Legislative Involvement

TAAD’s Legislative Committee coordinates the association’s legislative involvement. District directors are encouraged to participate in the legislative process through personal contact with legislators and by community involvement. Each bill filed is considered on a case-by case basis, and the association monitors bills regarding appraisal issues, exemptions, assessment and collection actions, or special valuation methodology.

While TAAD does not lobby or adopt a specific legislative platform, in general the association endorses legislation to:

  • promote sound fiscal management of appraisal districts
  • simplify taxpayer information regarding appraisal records
  • provide appraisal districts with access to necessary appraisal support information, and
  • support local control of appraisal districts.

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